Black River Meats
Located in Springfield, Vermont. Black River Meats supplies the best chefs and butcher shops the highest quality meats focusing on local, natural, organic, and sustainably raised animal proteins from the industry’s top producers. Focused on transparency in livestock production and changing our agricultural landscape by producing animals the right way.
Black River Meats came to our studio for a suite of new labels, showcasing the benefits of their products, in a standout bright color palette and type styling that nods to an earlier generation of Vermont farmers.
Project Type
Package Design, Logo Design
Designer and Art Director
Skillet Creative

Black River Meats’ two flagship products, the locally smoked bacon and uncured hot dogs have a more traditional color palette, making them versatile in the retail landscape. Their other products such as the kielbasa and sausages are differentiated with a pastel color palette, unique to Black River Meats. After a competitive audit, comparing similar products, we felt these colors really jump off the shelf when viewed next to the more muted colors of conventional meat brands.